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当前位置:首页ipad软件iPad工具软件 → TeamViewer ipad版 v15.45.1

更多分类 iPad旅游软件 iPad健康健美 iPad教育应用 iPad报刊杂志 iPad摄影录像 iPad音乐软件 iPad效率软件 iPad生活软件 iPad体育软件 iPad商务软件 iPad新闻软件 iPad工具软件 iPad社交软件 iPad美食佳饮 iPad财务软件 iPad辅助软件 iPad导航软件 iPad医学软件 iPad图书软件 iPad影音娱乐

最新最热下载排行TeamViewer ipad版v15.45.1火狐浏览器iPad版v117.3掌上道聚城iPad版v4.7.1爱辽宁iPad版v4.4.0Spark iPad版v3.5.2Google幻灯片iPad版v1.2023.35201安兔兔评测iPad版v10.0.2网易公开课iPad版v9.9.6百度输入法iPad版v11.7.10QQ浏览器iPad版v6.9.5谷歌浏览器iPad版V48.0.2564.104墨迹天气iPad版v3.5.5360浏览器iPad版V4.0.8百度浏览器iPad版V2.4搜狗输入法iPad版v11.29.0UC浏览器iPad版v15.5.6.2127

换一换相关推荐搜狗输入法iPad版v11.29.0闹钟免费iPad版v4.3.25每日必听英语iPad版v13.6izip iPad版v19.99UC浏览器iPad版v15.5.6.2127myMail iPad版v14.41百度输入法iPad版v11.7.10墨迹天气iPad版v3.5.5怪物闹钟iPad版v4.8.2Todo Cloud iPad版v11.1.7QQ浏览器iPad版v6.9.5英语标准国际音标iPad版v3.7扫码卫士iPad版v2.37.4腾讯管家iPad版v3.1.0QQ管家iPad版v3.1.0拼立得iPad版v4.0.6超高清壁纸iPad版v6.12远程桌面大师iPad版v4.2.2iTools iPad版V4.1.1PP助手iPad版v3.7.791助手iPad版V2.6.5.3讯飞输入法iPad版v10.0.232345浏览器iPad版V2.8360浏览器iPad版V4.0.8英语口语iPad版V5.0.2百度浏览器iPad版V2.4悟空浏览器iPad版V5.9.2

TeamViewer ipad版

TeamViewer ipad版




等级:类型:iPad工具软件更新:2023/09/14 20:16大小:76.5M版本:v15.45.1语言:简体官网:http://www.a300.cn作者:TeamViewer Germany GmbH



  TeamViewer ipad版是一款非常有名的远程控制软件,TeamViewer ipad版能够轻松、快捷且安全地对Windows、Mac和Linux系统进行远程访问。远程管理无人值守计算机。


  - 轻松从防火墙和代理服务器后台访问计算机

  - 直观的触摸和控制手势(包括Windows 8多触点支持)

  - 完整键盘功能(包括特殊键,如Windows®、Ctrl+Alt+Del)

  - 文件双向传送

  - 多监视器支持

  - 实时语音和视频传送

  - LAN唤醒:远程开启计算机

  - 最高安全标准:256位AES会话代码,2048位RSA密钥交换

  - 以及更多功能…


  1. 安装本应用程序

  2. 通过我们的网站在计算机上安装或启动您的TeamViewer

  3. 输入计算机的TeamViewer ID和密码


v15.45.1* Minor fixes and Improvements.
v15.42.1* Minor fixes and Improvements.
v15.41.1* Minor fixes and Improvements.
v15.40.1* Minor fixes and Improvements.
v15.39.1* Minor fixes and Improvements.
v15.38.1* Minor fixes and Improvements.
v15.37.1* Minor fixes and Improvements.
v15.36.1* The app now loads the Computers & Contacts List faster.
* Minor fixes and Improvements.
v15.35.1* You can now add a trusted device more easily using your mobile phone.
* The app now loads the Computers & Contacts List faster.
* Added zoom gestures for mobile to mobile connections.
v15.34.1* Fixed a bug that caused an unwanted refresh while browsing a Computers & Contacts List with a large number of entries.
* Minor fixes and improvements.
v15.33.1* Fixed a bug which caused TeamViewer to crash when the app is closed in flight mode.
* Minor fixes and Improvements.
v15.32.1* The nearby devices feature can now use Bluetooth to detect other mobile devices running QuickSupport.
* Fixed a bug which caused the app to crash when it was running in the background.
* Fixed a bug which sometimes prevented the in-app purchase license from activating.
v15.31.1* Pending in-app purchases are now visible in the app.
* Fixed a bug which prevented connecting to devices in eco mode.
* Minor fixes and improvements
v15.30.1* Minor fixes and improvements
v15.29.1* You can now view your Computers & Contacts list even when your device is offline.
* Minor fixes and security enhancements.
v15.28.2* Fixed an issue that caused the screen sharing to freeze when playing video streams on a desktop
v15.28.1* The Nearby Devices feature is now available on the Computers & Contacts tab
* The Nearby Devices feature now displays mobile devices
* Minor fixes and improvement
v15.27.1* New feature added: "Find nearby devices" lets users search for other active TeamViewer devices that exist in the same local network and easily connect to them.
* Solved an issue which prevented the tab keys to be transmitted using a physical keyboard
* Minor fixes and improvement
v15.26.1* Added support for trackpad gestures
* Solved an issue which prevented the use of arrow keys on external keyboards
* Minor fixes and improvements
v15.25.1* Users are now able to Sign in or Sign up through our refreshed Settings Tab!
* Solved an issue while typing with non-ascii characters
* Fixed a bug that prevented the "Resend Email" button from appearing on the account activation dialog.
* Minor fixes and improvements
v15.24.1* Solved an issue which prevented the usage of external keyboards
* Minor fixes and improvements
v15.23.1* Introducing new gestures modes for all devices: it is now possible to use touch interaction while controlling a desktop device.
* Added most common keyboard shortcuts while connecting to any desktop device to make your interaction even faster
* Further fixes and improvement
v15.22* Improved compatibility with iOS 15
* Minor fixes and improvements



TeamViewer iPhone版类型:iPhone工具软件


TeamViewer ipad版类型:iPad工具软件




同类热门搜狗输入法iPad版v11.29.0闹钟免费iPad版v4.3.25每日必听英语iPad版v13.6UC浏览器iPad版v15.5.6.2127myMail iPad版v14.41百度输入法iPad版v11.7.10墨迹天气iPad版v3.5.5



TeamViewer ipad版 V10.0.43659远程控制(Store)