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当前位置:首页ipad软件iPad效率软件 → Notability iPad版 v14.2.5

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最新最热下载排行Notability iPad版v14.2.5Week Calendar iPad版v15.6.7Dropbox iPad版v346.4Launcher iPad版v5.5Documents iPad版v8.7mail.com ipad版v8.62CAD手机看图ipad版v5.6.0明道办公软件ipad版v13.4.3Clips iPad版V1.1.3Todoist iPad版V10.1.1Quip iPad版v7.72.5Notability iPad版v14.2.5麦库记事iPad版V2.1金山快盘iPad版V5.0.2新浪微盘iPad版v3.8.2腾讯微云iPad版V5.2.7

换一换相关推荐Quip iPad版v7.72.5新浪微盘iPad版v3.8.2腾讯微云iPad版V5.2.7360云盘iPad版V2.1.2Todoist iPad版V10.1.1金山快盘iPad版V5.0.2Clips iPad版V1.1.3麦库记事iPad版V2.1

Notability iPad版

Notability iPad版




等级:类型:iPad效率软件更新:2023/10/02 18:24大小:29.7M版本:v14.2.5语言:简体官网:http://www.a300.cn作者:Ginger Labs, Inc.



  Notability iPad版此乃一款强大的备忘录软件,有了Notability iPad版你可以随时随地的用它来注释文稿、草拟想法、录制演讲等等,你还可以随时将你的这些信息同步到 iPhone和Mac设备当中来。

  Notability iPad版还可以集中创建、共享和管理您的备注。它将手写、键入、音频录音和照片结合在一起,便于您根据需要创建相应的备注。





  - 使用宽度各异、色彩纷呈的华丽墨水来手写备注或草拟想法。

  - 借助于功能完备的字词处理程序,草拟报告或键入大纲。

  - 音频录音有助于捕捉演讲或会议过程中的点点滴滴。

  - 在教室或进行野外研究时,将照片贴到白色书写板来添加备注。


  - 音频录音可自动链接到备注。

  - 收听音频录音时,在上下文中复查您的备注。

  - 只需轻按某个字词、图绘或图片,便可准确收听添加时所听到的内容。

  - 可给学生或同事提供音频和手写反馈。


  - 可导入和注释演讲幻灯片、会议议程以及 PDF 文件。

  - 可随时随地填写表单、给表单签名,以及通过电子邮件发送表单。

  - Notability 的所有工具,均可用来标记作业点或项目的图片。


  - 创建备注集合,通过 Dropbox 或 Google Drive 在研究小组和团队间共享。

  - 教师和学生之间可用来收集或分发作业。


  - 打开 iCloud,您的备注将自动同步到 iPhone、iPad 和 Mac 上。(该功能与 Apple 的表述一致)

  - 可随时随地在 iPhone、iPad 或 Mac 上创建和编辑备注。



  - 选择 PDF 文本并可以从 16 种颜色中选择一种来高亮显示它。

  - 复制并粘贴 PDF 文本。

  - 使用说话功能将 PDF 文本大声朗读。

  - 在 PDF 文件中查找词语定义。

  - 搜索更快更准确。

  - PDF 文件中支持活动链接,内部(例如目录)和外部(URL)都可。





v14.2.5- Added more accessibility labels
- Added support for importing more file types in new notes
- Fixed an issue with typing in presentation mode
- Added other miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements

Thanks for using Notability!
v14.1.1- Fixed a crash that may occur on launch
- Fixed a crash that may occur importing a note on first launch
- Fixed a memory issue that could lead to performance issues

Thanks for using Notability!
v12.1.15- Fixed a crash when searching note text

Thanks for using Notability!
v12.1.11- Fixed a crash that could occur when creating a note or opening settings
- Fixed a crash that could occur when typing

Thanks for using Notability!
v12.1.10- Fixed lag when switching tools in presentation mode
- Fixed various crashes when using math conversion
- Improved performance when typing in a note

Thanks for using Notability!
v12.1.9- New default behavior: Log in or sign up for a Notability account via a link
- Improved inserting media objects on Mac
- Improved text box highlight behaviors

Thanks for using Notability!
v12.1.8- Improved search speed
- Improved battery life in some cases
- Fixed an issue where text box search results may not be highlighted
- Fixed an issue where the last letter in a text box might not be highlighted
- Fixed a crash that could occur while drawing polygons

Thanks for using Notability!
v12.1.7- Fixed an issue where media objects did not support some keyboard commands
- Fixed a crash that could happen when importing a note
- Fixed issues that could occur in certain password flows
- Fixed a crash that could happen when disabling iCloud Sync

Thanks for using Notability!
v12.1.6- Fixed an issue with note thumbnails that contain GIFs
- Fixed an issue where GIFs could disappear when zooming

Thanks for using Notability!
v12.1.5- Improved handwriting behavior to fix some cases of twitching or correcting while writing
- Improved export progress bar for large PDF exports

Thanks for using Notability!
v12.1.4- Bug fixes and improvements

Thanks for using Notability!
v12.1.3- Added more subject colors
- Improved performance in presentation mode
- Fixed an issue where the Tape tool could not be selected in the zoom view

Thanks for using Notability!
v12.1.2- Fixed an issue where some deep links would hang the app on launch
- Fixed an issue with the page manager search bar color on Mac
- Fixed a crash some users may encounter when working with PDF highlights

Thanks for using Notability!
v12.1.1- Fixed a crash that may happen for some users during our onboarding tour

Thanks for using Notability!
v12.1Introducing Tape!
- Cover up key information with the Tape tool to quiz yourself. Tap the tape to reveal the hidden answers and see how you did.

Other Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Fixed an issue where selection content could disappear when resizing or moving selections
- Fixed an issue where using the arrow keys to move the cursor in text may not work as expected
- Fixed an issue where dragging subjects into new dividers may not work
- Fixed an issue where more than one of the same sticker pack was showing up on mac

Thanks for using Notability!
v12.0.7- Fixed an issue that may cause lag for some users

Thanks for using Notability!
v12.0.6- Fixed an issue where handwriting would adjust while drawing with Apple Pencil
- Improved styling selections of mixed pencil and pen
- Fixed annotations on rotated PDF pages on export

Thanks for using Notability!
v12.0.5This hotfix includes fixes for some common rendering issues that were causing glitches in notes or phantom content to appear.

Bug fixes and improvements:
- Fixed a rendering issue when zooming in or out on a note
- Fixed a rendering issue when receiving a call/alarm/notification

Thanks for using Notability!
v12.0.4- Fixed an issue with correctly rendering ink in thumbnails and PDFs
- Fixed an issue where the toolbar could freeze when switching tools
- Fixed minor crashes for inserting an image or sticker, opening a note, and searching the library

Thanks for using Notability!
v12.0.3- Fixed an issue where ink was missing with Palm Detection disabled.
- Fixed an issue with handwriting performance.
- Fixed an issue where exports were missing Pencil ink.
- Fixed an issue with annotations on imported PDFs.
- Fixed an issue for ruler in landscape templates.

Thanks for using Notability!
v12.0.2Logging in or signing up for a Notability account is now easier than ever! Log in or sign up via a link sent to your email.

Bug fixes and improvements:
- Fixed an issue resizing small selections
- Fixed an issue with poor sounding text-to-speech

Thanks for using Notability!
v12.0.1**** What's New in 12.0.1 ****

- Fixed an issue where dots would appear on zooming in or out.
- Fixed an issue where searching PDFs would not show correct results.
- Fixed an issue where using Scribble would make a text box when it should not.
- Fixed a crash with using the color dropper.

**** What's New in 12.0 ****

- 使用我们的全新铅笔工具感受最逼真的素描体验;与 Apple Pencil 配对时具备压力和倾斜灵敏度。
- 尝试不同的铅笔颜色,为您的笔记添加新的色彩与纹理。

感谢您使用 Notability!
- 使用我们的全新铅笔工具感受最逼真的素描体验;与 Apple Pencil 配对时具备压力和倾斜灵敏度。
- 尝试不同的铅笔颜色,为您的笔记添加新的色彩与纹理。

- 修复了删除预设时的错误。?

感谢您使用 Notability!
v11.8.10- Fixed an issue while renaming notes where the title would revert back to the old one
- Improved bulk cut and delete actions on multiple pages in the page manager
- Fixed crashes on Mac that would happen sometimes if you closed a window
- Fixed a broken link in the Dash 2023 Portrait Planner

Thanks for using Notability!
v11.8.9- Fixed an issue where resetting a Notability account password wouldn't work from in app

Thanks for using Notability!
v11.8.8- Fixed a visual issue when dragging organizers and subjects

Thanks for using Notability!
v11.8.7- Improves ability to select usernames while publishing a note

Thanks for using Notability!
v11.8.6- Improved page break visibility by making them slightly thicker
- Improved the visibility of the lasso tool on dark paper
- Improved rotated image and sticker selection logic
- Fixed an issue with image captions in night mode
- Fixed an issue with the note title in night mode

Thanks for using Notability!
v11.8.5- Improved the Basic Rule, Grid and Dot templates so they are consistently spaced.
- Grid spacings now match physical unit measurements.

Thanks for using Notability!
v11.8.4- Stay organized and start planning for 2023 with the Dash Portrait Planner and the Digital Life Planner.
- Improved the Basic Rule, Grid and Dot templates so they are consistently spaced.
- Grid spacings now match physical unit measurements.

Thanks for using Notability!
v11.8.3- Added support for toggling Night Mode from the note on iPhone
- Fixed displaying valid parts of corrupted PDFs

Thanks for using Notability!
v11.8.2- Fixed an issue with unnecessary code running on app launch

Thanks for using Notability!
v11.8- Introducing Night Mode! View your notes with a dark appearance at the flip of a switch. Use Night Mode to review and take notes at night or in dark spaces!

Thanks for using Notability!
v11.7.7- Fixed an issue causing unexpected increase in app size
- Fixed an issue with the image context menu
- Fixed a crash on indexing PDFs
- Fixed a bug with Face ID and password settings
- Fixed an issue where some documents could not be shared to Notability

Thanks for using Notability!
v11.7.6*** What's New in 11.7.5 ***
- Fixed an issue with the page manager button on the bookmark filter.
- Improved layouts for settings on smaller screens.

Thanks for using Notability!
v11.7.5*** What's New in 11.7.5 ***
- Fixed an issue where underlining text would only underline spaces between words.

Thanks for using Notability!
v11.7.4*** What's New in 11.7.4 ***
- We made it easier than ever to publish to the Gallery!
- Added more iOS 16 Apple Pencil support.
- Fixed a rare crash in the import subject picker.
- Fixed a rare crash when trying to contact support.

Thanks for using Notability!
v11.7.3*** What's New in 11.7.3 ***
- Fixed a loading hang when canceling a password prompt on app start
- Improvements to messaging while restoring plans

Thanks for using Notability!
v11.7.2*** What's New in 11.7.2 ***
- Fixed crashes that can occur when trying to start audio recordings
- Added a cancel button to Web Clip previews
- Better text styling support in iPad split views
- Improved triggering the PDF smart highlighter to allow for short straight lines
- Fixed a bug where straight line highlights did not work on PDF pages

Thanks for using Notability!
v11.7.1*** What's New in 11.7.1 ***
- Fixed showing the selected Laser Pointer color in presentation mode
- Fixed paste as image aspect ratios
- Fixed issues with highlighting and typing in some notes in the Mac app
- Fixed a bug when choosing default note templates
- Fixed an issue where the zoom box may inadvertently move
- Improved app launch time

Thanks for using Notability!
v11.711.7 What's New

*** What's New in 11.7 ***
- PDF text highlights is now faster and smarter! Tap and hold on PDF text to snap and begin highlighting. The highlights can now be edited, styled and erased like regular ink.
- The subscription settings page has been redesigned for easier use and contains frequently asked questions.

Thanks for using Notability!
v11.6.2*** What's New in 11.6.2 ***
- We've fixed some issues that may occur while using the Gallery

Thanks for using Notability!
v11.6*** What's New in 11.6 ***
- Select images, stickers, handwriting (and more!) and edit them all together
- Notifications for activity in the Gallery
- Search note contents in the Gallery
- Performance improvements for slow exports
- Fixed bug where search results disappear after opening a note

Thanks for using Notability!
v11.5.1*** What's New in 11.5.1 ***
- Fixes for layouts of views in smaller windows
- Other bug fixes and miscellaneous improvements
v11.5*** What's New in 11.5 ***
- Plus has moved - we've made it easier to use some Plus features by moving premium content into the Sticker and Template menus.
- New Onboarding Experience - we've added an optional tour for anyone new to Notability on iPad.
- Other bug fixes and miscellaneous improvements
v11.4.1*** What's New in 11.4.1 ***
- Bug fixes to audio recordings feature, auto-back up, pdf export, and a few other improvements
v11.4*** What's New in 11.4 ***
- You can now make a template the default for your notes directly from the template menu
- We now support dragging and dropping ink from Apple Notes into Notability
v11.3.1*** What's New in 11.3.1 ***
- Improvements to decrease battery drain, particularly when auto backup is enabled.
v11.3*** What's New in 11.3 ***
- Expanded Multi-Note Support: view two notes in one screen either horizontally or now vertically too
- Added support for PDF annotations in newly imported documents
v11.2.4*** What's New in 11.2.4 ***
Bug fixes and miscellaneous minor improvements
v11.2.3*** What's New in 11.2.3 ***
Bug fixes and miscellaneous minor improvements
v11.2.2*** What's New in 11.2.2 ***
- Fixed an issue with misaligned ink when exporting PDFs
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and stability improvements
v11.2.1*** Bug fixes in 11.2.1 ***
- Fixed a performance issue when handwriting
v11.2*** 11.2 What's New ***

Custom Templates
You can now import or convert your notes into a repeating template! Quickly access your custom and favorite templates from within the Templates menu above the compose button.

Favorite Notes
Quickly access your frequently used notes with Favorite Notes. Favorited notes are pinned to the top of their original subjects, and can also be found in the new Favorite Notes subject.
v11.1*** What's New in 11.1.0 ***

Introducing the ruler!

Plus subscribers can access the ruler quickly with a two finger tap and hold (it can also be accessed from the View options). Draw precise lines with your pencil or double tap with one finger to stamp. Use the blue anchors to measure, or adjust them to change the width of your stamp.
v11.0.18*** What's new in 11.0.18 ***
- Celebrating the blue planet: Introducing the 2022 Earth Day sticker pack!
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and stability improvements
v11.0.17*** What's new in 11.0.17 ***
- Fixed an issue that prevented the creation of some planners.
- Fixed an issue opening PDF and planners links.
- Fixed a memory leak when opening multiple windows.
v11.0.16*** What's New in 11.0.16 ***
- Added 2 fingers undo and 3 fingers redo
- Improved search highlighting
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and other minor improvements
v11.0.15*** What's New in 11.0.16 ***
- Added an option to add a license key in the MDM configuration file
- Fixed an issue where the sticker menu wouldn't appear correctly







Notability for mac类型:其他软件


Notability iPad版类型:iPad效率软件




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Notability iPad版V6.2.1(Store)